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tv   This Week With George Stephanopoulos  ABC  July 22, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. this morning -- a special edition of "this week." >> what's happening? oh, my god. >> oh, my gosh. if. >> seven down in theater nine. colorado catastrophe. >> i got a child victim that i need rescued. >> 12 killed. 58 wound zmrd we have taken a blow today. but we will get back on our feet and move ahead. now 48 hours after the worst mass shooting in the nation's history, as the nation mourns the victims, the search for answers. >> if there's anything to take away from this strategy, it's the reminder that life is very
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fragile. why do these tragedies continue? we'll get to the heart of the questions and all of latest on the investigation. the killer, the innocent victims and a community shattered. special coverage of the tragedy in colorado, movie theater massacre begins now. good morning. in aurora, colorado, a memorial to victims that unfolded early friday morning. president obama will visit aurora later today to console the families of those lost. america responds to horror. our guests and experts are standing by to weigh in. we begin in aurora with abc's
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cecilia vega, cecilia, this town has been hit so hard. >> reporter: yeah, george. everybody reeling out here. good morning to you. the president arrives at 4:00 this afternoon. we're told that he'll be meeting with the victims who are still in the hospital, the families of those who have passed away out here, as well as state and local officials. as for those victims, we now know all of their identities. these stories are so tragic out here. men who jumped in the line of fire to protect their girlfriends. and the youngest victim 6 years old. she came here with her mother, that mother remains in critical condition. authorities spent the day all day yesterday at the shooter's apartment here in aurora, trying to get inside this building. they said that this was a complex scene, a chilling scene of trip wires and booby traps. the police chief said that it
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was set up to kill the first person that walked through the door. holmes remains in custody here, his first court appearance is tomorrow morning. george? >> all right, cecilia thank you. we want to get more on james holmes now from our justice correspondent pierre thomas, who has more on the investigation, everything we are learning so far, this was a cold-blooded plan. >> reporter: cold-blooded. calculated. he developed an execution plan that he put in place that worked to perfection according to my sources, also the time and effort in terms of putting together that booby-trapped apartment. i was stuck by one source today who said that this was a like mad scientist. >> he was pulling in materials for a couple of months, getting a lot of packages at home, we know that he bought thousands of rounds of ammunition and guns.
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you described on friday, as having a clean skin. >> only a speeding ticket. he could have buy guns. >> we're learning as you said, a lot more about him. you described him as a mad scientist. a brilliant mad man. >> brilliant. that's what made him so dangerous. most criminals are stupid. but this guy was thoughtful and brilliant. we have some new information about what they're finding at the apartment, we're being told that they have found a computer and also, a poster of batman >> okay. he said he was the joker. let's get to more with mayor steve hogan and governor john hickenlooper. mayor, do you have any other information about this man might have done this? >> no, we don't have anything else right now.
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it's a very, very cold-blooded, calculated, isolated instance. and it's tragic. and it's horrible for those families and it's hurt the community. >> and we heard from your police chief, real rage. >> absolutely. you know, aurora is a great place to be. it's been tough for our citizens. our responders, our first responders were fantastic. but it's clear. that apartment was set up to kill the first person who walked through the door. >> governor, i heard you describe mr. holmes as a kind of terrorist, what did you mean by that? >> well, i think that, if you look at his intent, wasn't political, but what he was, he was clearly deranged, twisted, demonic in some way, and he wanted to create fear, intense fear, he wanted to create
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terror. >> in the minds of the people in that theater, and across the community, mayor hogan, how is the community coping with all this as the loss sinks in. >> i think we're going to be starting that grieving process, we'll then start the healing process. certainly the vigil tonight will help. there have been other vigils the past couple nights that have been organized by others and they're needed. they're desperately needed. that, i can see that building out of my office, it's not more than five blocks away and i see it every day, i know that i'm going to relive part of this for months. families are. the community is. so, but we got to start that process. we can't -- we can't let this guy win. we have to start healing and we have to start creating a better aurora today. >> and governor, you talked
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about the response plan that was put in place that probably saved many lives as the mayor said earlier, it's a miracle here that the killing wasn't even worse. >> it's amazing. the state is heartbroken and i think the country is heartbroken. yet, you look at the response of first responders and chief oates of the police talked talked about this, they have police there within a couple of minutes. ambulances there within three minutes. they have doctors and nurses and medical personnel all coming into these hospitals, between that and the heroism, people really stand in front or lie on top of others to protect and save them. you know, i don't know how to express it, except to say it was for all of despair and anger, the shining lights of caring people helping. a kid, his mother always said,
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when you see a disaster on tv, always look for the caring people. in a way that kind of help lifts spirits. >> and governor, i know you and members of your cabinet spent a lot of time at area hospitals yesterday meeting with the injured and families of the victims. >> we had our cabinet. we sent out on friday morning. every hospital, we had, answer questions. loved ones end up in different hospitals. they don't know the conditions of their boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse or child. cabinet members, like the secretary of human services, you know, the senior people were there and they knew the right channels so they could get that information back to the people. we visited a number of families and victims. i heard a number of times of how grateful people were for that support. >> what kind of stories are
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hearing? >> certainly, concern about their family, we saw some people yesterday, who are still terribly injured and may not make it. everybody's concerned about their family. but as the governo, they understand the community fears. you know, our victim services people, are getting out into the various hospitals. we're contacting not only those still in the hospital but those who are injured and are not hospitalized. it's just, it's an impossible situation to understand. and, we're still trying to -- we're still trying to deal with all of it. you see people who were -- who were hurt very badly at 2:00 in the morning and are sitting up in their bed talking. you see other people who, who just simply aren't moving and are still facing serious,
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serious surgery. so, it's just a terrible situation. >> boy, it's certainly is. as you can imagine, governor, the debate of whether this could have been prevented has already begun. you probably heard the mayor of new york, bloomberg, who made calls for tougher gun laws. several in your state saying, perhaps, that someone else in that theater had a gun, the killer could have been stopped. does it make you think at this point that you need to take another look at colorado's gun laws? >> you know, i'm sure that's going to happen. but i look at this, this wasn't a colorado problem, this is a human problem, right? how we can have some warped individual and no one around him be aware? i worry if we got rid all of the guns. but, even if you didn't have access to guns, this guy was
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diabolical. he would have found explosives, something else, some sort of poisonous gas to cause this horror. >> mayor, no one in the community seemed to have had any, any inkling at all that something was wrong with this young man? >> absolutely not. he appeared to everyone to be very normal, an intelligent guy, he was a student, came here a couple of years ago from california, he was taking classes that at the university of colorado medical center. he just, by every standard, appeared normal. clearly there's something wrong here. >> did he have friends? did he make connections? did he put down any roots in the community. >> he had friends.
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he had made connections. all of the comments to date are normal guy, just something very seriously wrong here. >> boy, it's just hard to wrap your mind around what could make someone like that snap, governor? >> it's inconceivable. but i think ultimately, we'll get the experts and they'll, he's alive. we're going to study, try to figure out what went wrong, but in the meantime and i think mayor hogan and his team, the key is to bring out the natural resilience. what a terrorist is trying to do is make people scared of going to a movie. my chief of staff's daughter took a whole gang of kids to see
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batman, to prove we're not going to give in to this. at the same time, say, you know this country is defined by freedom and the pursuit of happiness and we're not going to let this guy ruin our lives. >> and finally, mayor hogan, what do you hope to hear from president obama today and how do you want your town to respond in. >> i think the president coming in is a wonderful gesture. he's coming in, really, to have private conversations with the families. i think that's totally appropriate. you know, as the governor's indicated before, he certainly could have come to the vigil, but that would have made the focus on the president, not on the community, and he was well aware of that. i'm not so sure that it's message to the community other than him coming here, it's more of a message to the families and
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the victims and i think that's totally appropriate. i thank him for doing so. i wish he -- i wish we weren't part of what he had to do this day. but it certainly means a lot to aurora to know that the president cares. i talked with him on friday. personal conversation. told him that i deeply appreciated that phone call. we have had numerous other contacts literally from around the world. we know people care. we know in this time of insta instantous communications that people know what's going on. and, the city will go on. we'll get better. we're -- we're a great place. but, we need a limit bit of time to grieve and then start to heal and it's good to know that other
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cares. >> our condolences to you, your families and everyone in your community. thank you for joining us this morning. >> okay. >> thank you. for more on how law enforcement officials are responding in the wake of this shooting, we're joined by charles ramsey, thank you for joining us, commissioner, you had the first largest miss police department in country right now, what kind of measures did you put in place after this shooting? >> we have special attention being paid to movie theaters and other locations where large number of people gather. the issue for me, i can't put a cop in every movie theater, shopping mall or high school. we got to find a solution beyond that. >> have you seen any incidents at all? >> no, we haven't seen anything, fortunately we haven't. incidents like this, don't occur every day. what happens every day, there is
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gun violence on our streets every day. >> what do you think should be the beginning of coming up with a solution sf. >> what will change as far as any gun control legislation in wake of aurora, columbine, virginia tech, ft. hood, i mean, the list goes on and on. unfortunately, in my opinion, absolutely nothing, there will be a lot of talk and discussion and debate. but this will fade into the background. people will just go on and continue to be able to get their hands on guns and continue to inappropriately use those guns to commit violent act. >> commissioner, how do you respond to those who said, if someone else in that theater had a gun, the killer might have been stopped? >> this guy had body armor from head to toe. you head tear gas in there and
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unfortunately, many states, i don't know about colorado, but many states who offer conceal carry have no provisions at all for people to receive training, proper handling of firearms, you got two people randomly shooting in a movie theater, i don't know how that helps. >> another thing that came out of this, background checks, didn't turn up anything on james holmes, he had a pretty clean record. >> and listen, gun control isn't going to totally stop this sort of thing from happening. but what i deal with is the day-to-day violence that takes place on the streets of philadelphia. yesterday, we had homicide in the result of gun violence. this is a daily occurrence for me. and chiefs across the country, so this is not just one incident, where people can get their hands on firearms.
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i don't know why people need to have assault weapons. there needs to be reasonable gun control put into place. we talk about this constantly and nothing ever happens. >> last question, what precisely would you do? >> i don't think i would ban all guns. most people are reasonable and legitimate gun owners. but why not have registration, why not have mandatory recording of any sale or transfer of a firearm that's done properly. why not ban assault weapons and large capacity magazines? we don't need this stuff. and you need serious consequences for people who use firearms. we're joined once again by our senior justice correspondent pierre thomas, legal analyst dan
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abrams and dr. richard besser. you heard from the commissioner, no incident in philadelphia last night. >> so far, they're hearing, people are going to the movie, they're having a good time, no incidents. they were concerned on friday about copy-cats. the thing that struck me about all of this is that, we'll be having this conversation about an incident like this, it may take days or months, you have a situation in this country, so many weapons in this country and disturbed people. virginia tech, 2007, mass shooting. ft. hood, texas, 2009, another maz shooting. tucson, just last year. >> at the same time, you also covered homeland security, the counterterrorism beat, no connection, this is a person acting alone from everything we know, no connection to terrorism, but my question is, as you have been reporting,
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homeland security officials are concerned about a lone wolf going into a movie theater with a suicide bomb, how do they explain why that hasn't happened more if. >> they're concerned about that. what we're seeing more and more are disturbed people. someone who might be associated with al qaeda. influenced by al qaeda. but they're perplexed as to why groups like that haven't tried this. it would clearly be effective. they're scratching their head on why it hasn't happened. >> let's go ahead to dan right now. we know that mr. holmes is going to appear in court tomorrow for the first time and he almost certainly is going to be facing a death penalty case. >> absolutely. we're talking about 12 people dead. many more, attempted murder charges as well. he'll have no chance at bail. he remains a danger to society. interestingly, on tuesday, his attorney is going to get access
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to the movie theater, that's pretty unusual, before the theater gets its back -- >> why is that happening? >> i think they're trying to bend over backwards, do everything by the books. they want to make this clear we're giving him any and all rights. >> this is clearly a disturbed person. you say at first, whether he can stand trial? >> two separate questions. is he going to plea insanity? >> but the first question is, c proceedings. the real basics here, there have been classics were courts have
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simply determined that they don't understand what's happening around them. that's going to be question one in the legal proceedings. >> he seems to have been clear-headed in the moments after the shooting. talk about the insanity defense? >> lot of people talk about the insanity defense, as if people win in the insanity defense. they almost always lose. he has to show that he doesn't understand right from wrong. as hard as it is, juries are very reluctant to accept that. they almost never accept the notion that someone who did this with this much premeditation and with this much care and with this much malice, didn't understand what he was doing was wrong. it's so difficult to win. >> let's bring in dr. besser on this, what will doctors be
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looking for? >> clearly this is a disturbed individual. but, you can't jump to a conclusion as to what his psychiatrist diagnosis might be, was he hearing voices? >> schizophrenia? >> exactly. we haven't heard anything so far that he was incoherent. what people would take to mean crazy. when they look back who do school shootings, the vast majority had inwardly directed anger and self-loathing that got turned outward. most of those people were depressed. they weren't crazy. >> shooters like, this they're loners, they kept to themselves. you heard the mayor right there, we'll learn a lot in coming days, this guy had friends, he put down roots. >> their inward perception of what their life is like is not what other people are seeing.
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they'll take to his family and friends to get a picture of him. to make a diagnoseis is premature. >> he could still be schizophrenic and yet determined by the law to be insane. >> rich, you spent a lot of time at the centers for disease control. what's most important in colorado right now. >> i think what's important to realize that you don't have to have been in colorado to be traumatized by this. people across america have been traum mized. you need to see what impact. in particular children, can develop posttraumatic stress disorder from repeatedly seeing it. you need to pay attention to that. having trouble sleeping and eating. make sure that they're talking about this and getting
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appropriate care. colorado is ground zero. >> rich, thank you. much more on this when we come back. our roundtable tackle the big questions all of us are asking. last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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our roundtable coming up, after this from our abc stations.
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our time here is limited. and it is precious. and, what matters at the end of the day is not the small things, it's not the trivial things, which so often consume us in our daily lives, ultimately it's how we choose to treat one another and how we love one another. >> this is a time for each of us to look into our hearts and remember how much we love one another and how much we love and how much we care for our great country, there is so much love and goodness the heart of america. >> campaign suspended for at least a couple of days. we're back now with our roundtable.
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george will as well. jennifer rubin. former pennsylvania governor ed ren del. and our own cokie roshts. george, these rituals have become all too familiar. the question was posed, how does a fair society protect its from a twisted mind? >> by recognizing that this is the problem, an individual's twisted mind. there's a normal human instinct to explain things like that. we try to explain these outcroppings of evil in terms of some defect in society. which once isolated could be corrected. we wouldn't have these things anymore. what makes these things scary, columbine, virginia tech and this, is precisely the fact that there is no social motive whatever, discernible.
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the great killers of the 20th century, told us in excruciating details why they were doing it. they had theories. the unabomber had a theater. he wrote it out that's how he got caught. the beginning of wisdom about this is to understand the randomness of it. >> but, you know, at the same time that is true, there are some things that are warning signals, one is buying thousands of rounds of ammunition, in a short period of time, and you know, on the internet, the internet knows what size dress i wear, i mean, everything is gathered, all of that information is available. and at some point, when somebody is buying thousands of rounds of ammunition and 100 magazines. i went on the internet yesterday to see about it.
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you can get it easily. and that should be some signal that the law enforcement authorities are told about. >> i think that's certainly right. i wouldn't make the mistake that we can make the right gun laws to prevent this from happening. the ten worst gun crimes in recent history, fey of those were handing guns, weren't using these rifles, there are very disturbed people out there, i think to make this into a gun issue rather than a mental issue, has a limit ed payoff. i think we have a mental health epidemic. >> you got to do everything. the founding fathers didn't
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think that the right to bear arms included assault weapons and all the rest. i think that there are reasonable images to every last right we have, and i don't think that -- i think it's responsible to say, the right to bear arms doesn't include assault weapons. daniel patrick moynahan said, maybe it should cost you $1,000 a bullet if you want to buy -- >> george, they're both right. they're going to reduce their frequency. no citizen should be able to have an automatic assault weapon. had they let the assault weapon s expire, the gun that he bought would have been illegal.
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he wouldn't have had that 100-round magazine. >> george, this is the debate that you're trying to resist. >> well, there isn't a human inch in a common age, i think we should resist that, before locating this in some defect in america society, deal with norway, where a young man on an island, killed 67 teenagers, that wasn't killed the eight he killed in downtown oslo, there are deranged people in the world. >> that happened in norway once. it happens in america three times a year. >> there's another side to this. and it is the incredible pornographic violence that has crept into our culture in terms of the entertainment business. it has gone global. a movie like "batman" is a global movie.
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but you can't legislate entertainment. >> i think it's a mistake even to look at this as purely a cultural phenomenon. when we had the gabby giffords massacre, there is a cross cultural phenomenon. what we don't have in this country is a system of recognizing, or reporting mental ill zblns that's completely true. mental illness is a terrible problem in this country. so, that, i couldn't agree with you more, it's also true that you can't do the kind of damage with mental illness that this person did or allegedly did unless you have an assault weapon. >> that's not true. in virginia tech, he had two
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handguns and he killed 32 people. >> automatic handguns. in the old days, a revolver had six shots. you had to reload the six shots. this guy, police estimate, 50 to 60 rounds in a minute. come on, america. george is right. we should have been having these discussions not after but before. >> i want to bring this question to joe klein, let me put on this poll, a gallup poll the support for gun laws over the last two decades. they have gone steadily down. should gun laws be more strict, joe, how do you explain that even though we have had all of those mass killings. >> politicians because stopped
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talking about this, in 1994, the democrats lost the house, the mythology that evolved from that was that, the national rifle association picked various congressional districts and defeated democrats who supported gun control. i don't know if that's entirely true. but democrats have checked out of this debate ever since, including the president of the united states, so there hasn't been a debate about gun control since then. >> the truth is on assault weapons ban, it was republican women who got that through congress. the republican men voted for it, 23%. >> george that poll is a little askewed right after gabby giffords. the poll on limiting magazines to ten bullets in a clip -- let me say, what joe said is correct. the nra, part of it is, e
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pennsylvania, the second biggest nra. >> also, if people want to complain about the nra the smart thing for them to do issing to organize, you know, get their own lobbying group that has same kind of clout. >> aurora, colorado, i defy you to write a gun control law to pro vent someone like this from getting the arms that he wants. i think this is a mistake. a moment ago joe made a statement, he gave us an theory, an empirical theory the globalization of entertainment will cause or is causing things like this to happen more and more, these are testable
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hyperthesis. let's test them. >> we're seeing more frequent incidents like this in this country. we're on a national sugar rush in this country. the internet is part of it. you know the entertainment industry is part of it. the irresponsibility about gun laws is part of it. i mean, it's all together. >> listen, we can make all of statements that we want. but there is no shortage of data in criminology. in fact it's one of the most researched areas of social science. when we had the gun law, there wasn't a decrease, when we let it expire. we have had a gradual decline in gun violence in parts, because of better policing. i think some of these statements that we're having more of these incidents, they are simply not true.
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>> somehow i don't remember these happening every month as a kid. >> they're not happening every month. >> but more often. >> these weapons are e made for combat only. >> we're all going to sit around and agree if we got to together and had e legislative majority, this won't happen anymore. >> george, we said that it can happen less. >> and less deadliness. >> we don't know. this person's apartment was booby-the booby-trapped to the hilt. -- >> why didn't they go to authorities. >> connectivity and the lack of neighborliness. when someone is behaving
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oddly -- >> i'm just shocked to hear a conservative like george will making an all or nothing on this argument. people died from getting the polio vaccine, doesn't mean that we should get rid of it. if some laws can limit the number of gun incidents. >> however clever the experts are going to assemble, how ever meticulous you draft what statute you end up placing in -- >> but we can limit the frequency. he bought these gun stores at bass pro. this middle-class went to gandro mountain and bass pro.
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>> this young man as well, generally, these are done by men, usually young, although, not always who, one of the most confounding things that i heard from the mayor, he wasn't typical the loner you would expect, having a life yet having this secret world. >> we don't know about it. i thought that dr. richard besser was smart in telling us not to jump to conclusions about us. he's crazy, i mean, somebody doesn't do this without being crazy, but why, what set him off? why batman? and all of that. >> and george, one of the other questions that i have, we're doing it today, we're doing the whole show basically on this subject, does that somehow create the opportunity for people to say, there's a payoff here? >> well, obviously, if the
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payoff is, get on television. if the payoff is to get notoriety and publicity, sure. but that's no reason for not talking about these things. >> again, george that is an empirical questions, do we have copy-cat killers as a result of this. what are the motives of this? why did lee harvey oswald do it? these are not -- most of these events aren't mysteries. >> you're right, george. these tend to happen with single men of a certain age, that's also the age at which certain mental illness starts to manifest it. and i think it's aggravated in a societial sense -- this guy lived alone. if he had a roommate, he would
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have seen that's a bit odd. all of these factors contribute. but they are as george said, you can study them, you can analyze them. we have a history. certainly not the case that we have had an increase in gun crime. that's factually wrong. >> george is absolutely right when he says that we can't prevent, but, there is certain restraints that we can put on the abilities of these crazy people to buy guns, buy certain kinds of ammunition, and to buy other equipment as well. >> and then to report it. i mean, to me that's the failure here. that's where the public policy is pretty easy to me, to be able to report someone buying thousands and thousands of rounds in a short period of time. >> we have take a quick break. everybody, stand by. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] how can power consumption in china,
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back now with our roundtable. both campaigns suspended over the weekend. let me show a bit of what president obama said a little over a year ago for the memorial services of the gabby giffords shooting. >> at a time where our discourse has become so sharply poll raised, it's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we're talk iing with each other in a way that heals. not in a way that wounds. >> george will, some said that was one of the best speeches of president obama's presidency. others would say, it didn't last long. >> it didn't last long. on the run-up to aurora, interrupted the campaign, we had seen an outpouring of negative ads, the sort that i don't remember, negative ads, we all
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understand that. nothing inherently with them. this year, it's a particularly brutal bombardment that we're getting. if anyone thinks from a month now that we won't be back at it, we'll be back in it. >> in theory, everybody wants civility. they're afraid it doesn't work. >> you're talking about a lot of reasons going into any tragedy, one thing that the president talked about a year ago, maybe our political environment is also, just creating a lot of anxiety out in the country. lot of anger that may spark people >> i don't know. i think that, when you go into the country, as i do, the vast majority of people are neither left, nor right, they're someone in the middle. the polling on most issues there's a 60% to 80% majority in
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gun policy, revenues. reducing deficits. >> i think we're a poll raised electorate, we see that. these negative ads, petty ads, why these haven't worked, the 47-47 aren't going to change their minds. the rest of people are having life. they have families and they have kids. >> that may true, except the polls show a great desire on the part of american people for us to accomplish things. >> absolutely. >> the truth is, it's not just the people are uncivil the governor makes a good point, they're not getting anything done and that is -- that gets
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very frustrating. >> say what you will about or against our political parties, they're magnificent market resear research magnetism. if you don't like our party or country, they're giving people what they think the country will respond to. >> another theory perhaps that the political parties are responding to their money givers than to the general public. >> george, let me -- we had a poll in "time" magazine, we asked people, would you rather have a congress person who compromises to get things done or sticks by his or her principles 89% -- >> but they don't vote that way. >> one of the big problems, george will said it correctly, he said that we poll and we do
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this, we don't lead anymore. we don't lead. our leaders don't get out there and stake out the moral high ground. if you don't like it, vote against me in the next election. >> and people claim that they're desperate for leadership and they want it. whether they mean it or not, is another question. but they claim that want that. >> i think until this campaign was interrupted, it had beginning with the president's speech on july 13th, in roanoke, we have two leaders. the speech that if you build it, you didn't really build it. that kind of statement of the progressive vision, that in fact, we're all social preachers in society. we're all involved in asserting propositions that no one denies. it detonated mitt romney who
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came out -- one column once said, the difference, the similarity between professional wrestling and american politics is the absence of honest passion. we had honest passion on the part of the president and on the part of mitt romney. >> we're always asking about a campaign about morals. paul ryan has been writing about it. >> the basic argument about the role of government. >> how big should government be? how much resources should bedevoted to government? how much we should celebrate individual accomplishments? this is what a campaign should be about. >> the only problem is, that also becomes fraught. because people think of government as evil. so, you know, you have to be very careful when you talk about government just as government.
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>> joe, any hope about first principals that make a difference? >> i thought watching the republican primaries during the year, i don't know at this point whether we can. it would be a wonderful thing to have. >> thank you very much. illuminating discussion on a difficult weekend. we'll be right back to remember the victims of friday's tragedy. one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future
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teves. navy veteran and father, jonathan blunk. s a pierg sportscaster jessica ghawi. micayla medek. gordon w. coulden, a father who had taken his two teenagers to the movie. alexander boik, preparing to start college in the fall. air force sergeant jes can childrees and the youngest victim, veronica moser-sullivan, just 6 years old. now, we honor our fellow americans who serve and sacrifice. this week the pentagon released the names of nine soldiers and marines killed in afghanistan.
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with help from smarter commerce. i'm an ibmer. let's build a smarter planet. that's all for us today. thank you for sharing part of our sunday with us. david muir will be anchoring from aurora on "world news" tonight and i'll see you tomorrow on "good morning america." impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. wby what's getting done.ion, measure commitmentxpenses the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery.
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